domingo, 17 de junho de 2007


É o que sinto agora, meu caro amigo!

4 comentários:

oh my! disse...

...lembro bem deste dia. Era a altura em que eu estava a espera da minha confirmação de matrícula no IADE e a minha vida mudava antes mesmo de eu saber.

morethanhelvetica disse...

Dear Roberto,
You were the one who smiled at me when I arrived.
You were the one who took me in your arms when
I felt lonely.
You were the one who presented me to him.
You were the one who said to me: I have to present you a very nice man.
You were the one who told me: I am a bit jealous.
You were the one that said to me: everything will be allright.
You were the one.
You are the one!

Thank you.

epifania disse...

He was (is) the one that turn inpossiblle in possiblle...

morethanhelvetica disse...

well, at least he made me believe that it would be possible.